Search for participating Blue KC Primary Care Providers near you, such as Internists, Family Practitioners, or Pediatricians. You can also search for providers such as Chiropractors or specialists such as Surgeons.
Find participating Blue KC Hospitals near you.
Pharmacies, Facilities & Labs
Find participating Blue KC pharmacies, labs, home health agencies, hospices or other freestanding facilities (medical services in a facility other than a hospital) near you.
Find participating Blue KC Dentists, Orthodontists, Oral Surgeons, or other dental specialists near you.
Urgent Care and Retail Health Centers
Urgent Care Centers offer a less expensive, more responsive alternative to the emergency room for a number of conditions. Find participating Blue KC Urgent Care Centers or Retail Health Centers near you.
Mental Health
Find participating Blue KC Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Counselors or other Mental Health providers near you.
Other Providers
Find participating Blue KC providers near you, like Physical Therapists, Vision Providers, or Durable Medical Equipment (DME) providers.

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You are currently searching for a provider in the Local Blue KC Provider Directory. To select a different provider directory, choose one from the drop-down menu.

Local Blue KC Provider Directory

Use this directory to find providers if you have a Blue KC member ID card and live in the Blue KC service area.

BlueCard Provider Directory

Use this directory to find providers if you have a Blue KC member ID card and live outside the Blue KC service area or if you are a member of another Blue Plan.

BlueCard Worldwide Provider Directory

Use this directory to find providers outside the U.S., Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Blue Distinction Center Finder

Use this directory to find Blue Cross and Blue Shield Blue Distinction ® Centers.

Federal Employee Provider Directory

Use this directory to find providers in the U.S. and Puerto Rico if you are federal employee.

Dental Network of America

Use this directory to find dental providers if you have a Blue KC member ID card and live outside the Blue KC service area.

Vision Service Plan (VSP) Directory

Use this directory to find Vision providers for routine eye exams.

After you have selected a provider directory and insurance plan, select the provider type below that you are searching for and then click Continue.

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